Men's Shed
Shed Co-ordinator: Carol Winen
Volunteer Project Co-ordinator: Neil Edwards
Next door to ARTC and Progress Rail (look for our sign)
Cnr Railway and Carlton Parades
PO Box 1704 (Care of Port Augusta City Council)
Port Augusta SA 5700
Phone: (08) 8641 9160
Entry to all programs is by referral through My Aged Care: phone 1800 200 422 or visit the website. Please contact us for support with this process if required.
Port Augusta Men's Shed
Offers retired men over 65 years of age and veterans a place to go where they can enjoy physical and social activities. The Men’s
Shed is a self-sufficient community project which relies upon the production and sale of items by participants and kind donations and support from the local community.
There are more than 1000 Men’s Sheds situated all across Australia. Men’s Sheds are recognised as one of Australia’s largest male based community development organisations.
What can you do at the Men’s Shed?
- Work on community projects
- Use past skills and develop new ones
- Renew old friendships and make new acquaintances
- Access free health information
- The Men’s Shed is also a place to talk, relax and connect.
Join us at the shed...
Monday & Tuesday
9.00am - 2.00pm
$3.00 per day.
Community Projects
Have a project for the men to assist with? Please bring in your idea or project and talk to our team.
The Men’s Shed is supported by the Port Augusta City Council and funded by the Australian Government.