Fireworks And Your Pets

Dahlia fireworks at the 2010 Adelaide Skyshow by Anthony Cramp / CC BY (

Some tips for keeping your pets safe during fireworks

  • Always keep dogs and cats inside when fireworks are being let off
  • Make sure your dog is walked earlier in the day before the fireworks start and a high carb meal will make them more sleepy too
  • Close all windows and doors, and block off catflaps to stop pets escaping and to keep noise to a minimum
  • Draw the curtains, and if the animals are used to the sounds of TV or radio, switch them on (but not too loudly) in order to block out some of the noise of the fireworks
  • Ensure dogs are wearing some form of easily readable identification (ID) – even in the house. They should have at least a collar and tag
  • Prepare a ‘den’ for your pet where it can feel safe and comfortable – perhaps under a bed with some of your old clothes. They may like to hide there when the fireworks start
  • Let your pet pace around, whine, miaow and hide in a corner if they want to. Do not try to coax them out – it’s just trying to find safety, and should not be disturbed
  • Stay calm, act normally and give lots of praise for calm behaviour. It’s OK to cuddle and stroke your pet if it helps them relax, but if they prefer to hide under your bed, then let them do this instead
  • Avoid leaving your pet alone during such potentially upsetting events. If you do have to leave the house, don’t get angry with your pet if you find they have been destructive or toileted after being left on its own. Shouting at a frightened pet will only make them more stressed
  • Don’t tie your dog up outside while fireworks are being let off, ie outside a shop while you pop inside, or leave them in the garden or in your car
  • Never take your dog to a fireworks display. Even if they doesn’t bark or whimper at the noise, it doesn’t mean they are happy. Excessive panting and yawning can indicate that your dog is stressed