Reconciliation Mission Statement

Port Augusta City Council acknowledges and pays its respect to the traditional land owners within the Port Augusta area. Council also acknowledges elders both past and present and their strong ongoing spiritual connection to the land and reach out to other Aboriginal groups who visit our community and offer positive contributions to the City of Port Augusta.

The cultural diversity of our community is valued and Council is committed to building on the process of meaningful reconciliation in partnership with Aboriginal Peoples in our Community.

It is believed that in order to strive for genuine reconciliation it is crucial to acknowledge past hurts and injustices forced upon the First Australians and we choose to leave behind stereotypes and prejudices of the past and choose to respectfully understand and embrace all people and cultures.

The Reconciliation Journey that the Port Augusta City Council is committed to, will ensure that as a community we celebrate our diverse Aboriginal population and cultures, provide services to Aboriginal people that are culturally appropriate and meet their needs. As an organisation we will provide a welcoming, supportive, inclusive and collaborative environment, where Aboriginal Councillors, workers and customers are treated with equality, care and respect.

Together we will work toward a positive shared future built on strong relationships, where the rights, interest and wellbeing of Aboriginal Peoples are celebrated and protected along with the broader community and we will walk together as one.

In 2016 the Port Augusta City Council in partnership with the Aboriginal Community Engagement Group developed Council’s first Reconciliation Mission Statement. Acknowledgement and appreciation goes to the Artists, Linda Dare a Barngarla Woman and Charmaine Wilson a Pitjantjatjara Woman, who were selected and endorsed by the Aboriginal Community Engagement Group. ©

Reconciliation Mission Statement

Download a PDF copy of the Reconciliation Mission Statement Plaque, as displayed in the Civic Centre: