Health Focus

Programs are funded through the Australian Government Department of Health Commonwealth Home Support Program.

Entry to all programs is by referral through My Aged Care: phone 1800 200 422 or visit the website. Please contact us for support with this process if required.

71 Stokes Terrace
Port Augusta SA 5700
Phone: (08) 8641 9191


Port Augusta Health Focus

Offers a range of services and programs to assist older adults in maintaining social connections and physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional independence.

Let’s Keep Active

The “Let’s Keep Active Group Program” offers the following:

  • Mental stimulation
  • Physical stimulation
  • Focus on wellness and reablement
  • Information on health issues
  • Chair-based gentle exercises
  • A place to meet old friends & make new ones
  • Community outings

Friday Group

This is a special program which provides an opportunity for people requiring higher levels of support to be involved in activities which are stimulating both mentally and physically.

Men’s Social Afternoon (over 65’s)

Enjoy a social afternoon with men over 65, a great way to have a few laughs and form some great friendships.

‘Bizzi Bodies’

Easy moves for active ageing exercises for over 65’s. A low impact exercise program to maintain fitness and flexibility. Situated at Central Oval, Augusta Terrace.

Walking Group

Join the walking group to get your fitness and steps up! Contact Health Focus for starting point as this changes weekly.

Let’s Keep Active

Tuesday & Wednesday
10.30am - 2.30pm
Includes Lunch
$16.00 transport not inc.

Friday Group

10.30am - 2.00pm
$16.00 transport not inc.

Men’s Social Afternoon

Over 65 years
11.00am - 3.00pm
$16.00 Lunch included
Transport not inc.

Bizzi Bodies

9.30am - 10.30am
$5.00 per session

Walking Group

8.30am - 9.30am
$2.00 per session